Recalls & Product Safety Warnings |
In the event of an after-hours or weekend Public Health EMERGENCY, use the following contact information:
Bristol – 860-584-3000; Burlington – 860-673-2544
State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Updated Guidance for Operating Public Pools
Guidance by the Connecticut Department of Public Health for businesses and the general public
Department of Economic and Community Development link to Certification for Reopening Businesses
Reopen CT Online Complaint Form: This form is intended for complaints that pertain to requirements of the Sector Rules only!
Guidance for well owners to follow water conservation measures
Guidelines for Foodservice Establishments to Safely Reopen after a Power Outage
Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPI’s) are actions, apart from getting vaccinated and taking medicine, that people and communities can take to help slow the spread of illness like pandemic influenza (flu). NPI’s are also known as community mitigation strategies!
Click here for educational tools, resources, pandemic planning guides, checklists and select research about the types of NPI’s and how they work in different settings.
Click here for educational materials such as factsheets, videos and trainings on NPI’s that you can print, watch, act on and share with others.
A Message from the Director of Health:
Welcome to our web site!
We are adding additional features daily, but we invite you to explore our site at any time. Please use the search box to the right on each page to search for specific information. Also, go to the bottom of this page for more tips!
The Health District is Recruiting Volunteers for Public Health Emergency Preparedness.
BBHD is responsible for emergency disease outbreak response in Bristol and Burlington. During an emergency such as an epidemic of Influenza, the federal and state government may declare a Public Health Emergency. This might also be true if a terrorist group releases a dangerous bacteria or virus. The local Health Departments in Connecticut have plans in place to provide emergency protective measures such as vaccinations or medicines to ward off illnesses before they strike. In order to do this, your local health department – Bristol-Burlington Health District –has developed a “Point of Distribution Plan” using Health District staff, volunteers and a local school as a Point of Distribution (POD) or “Clinic”. Supplies from federal Stockpiles will come to Connecticut and be distributed to local PODs by the state Health Department. This may take up to 24 hours. In the meantime, local health departments will organized their PODs and staff them with our employees and volunteers from the public (our city and town residents). The immunizations or pills must be distributed to our city and town residents within a matter of very few days! Our local health department will need many volunteers to help with the distribution, and BBHD is recruiting volunteers to help our staff. Prior experience is not necessary, nor is medical knowledge. A willingness to help our community and some time to give are all that are needed. A volunteer must be at least 18 years old.
If interested in volunteering in a Public Health emergency, and helping out during training drills, please contact BBHD with name, address, age, telephone number, cellphone number.
See attached for: emergency preparedness information.
Contact: Louise McGlone
Telephone: 860-584-7682
We are adding new addresses to our on-line records. You can now look for most Burlington septic system and private well records. Look to the right of this page to “E-search” and click on “Click Here!” to bring you to our digitalized site. Since this is an ongoing project, not all records will become immediately available.
Please Click here to read more about this.